Thursday, July 9, 2009


Having boys is such a funny experience. Not always easy, but definitely funny! Sometimes I want to rip my hair out, but other times I am in stitches. Boys just say and do the funniest things.

My Dad put his glasses on Landon last night, and astonishingly Landon left them alone and just hammed it up with the camera. You can sure tell he is the youngest. He'll do anything for a laugh!

Check out that smile! He is loving all the attention!

Once again, just being a goofy boy! Always trying to get dirty or entertain themselves!


Kristin said...


Megan said...

Landon is such a cutie!

Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

Ha!, co cute!

Whitney Seaberg said...

What a doll! He is adorable. I love the funny things kids do. Good job getting it on camera :)