Addison got a free haircut coupon from her 4-H leaders last summer and we finally got around to getting her hair cut and the coupon used up. The cut ended up being much shorter than either of us thought it would, but as you can see it turned out to be quite cute. She looks like a little brunette "Kit Kitrredge." For those of you wondering who the heck Kit is, she is one of the American Girl dolls.

She was not quite sure when we got home, she was having a bit of that dreaded haircut remorse that all us gals get from time to time when we go out on a limb, or crazy PMS day, and cut off all our hair. But we busted out the straightener and tamed it down and it turned out to be darling. She looks so grown up. Then I went in the bathroom and cried my eyes out because no matter how many times I tell her to quit growing up she just won't stop. I see a pattern coming soon! I expect all of you to help me when she becomes a teenager and I become a deranged crazy mom.
That is cute and gorgeous and thank you for explaining Kit, all boys I don't get girl references these days
I have just one word...............ADORABLE!
Addison has great hair, nice and thick but easy to work with.
Gramma Connie
love her hair it is so cute:)or very grown up!
Very cute hair cut Addison.
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