Ok, so our family theme this year is to "Live Simply" in as many ways as we can. Like most families right now we are feeling the economy pinch. So we decided to see all the different areas we could cut our budget. One way is at the grocery store, by planning our meals better and shopping for sales. My inspiration came from one of my new favorite blogs, The Grocery Cart Challenge.
She is able to feed her family in $60.00 a week, but since we have a baby to buy for that was squeezing us a bit tight. So I sat down and planned my menu, made my shopping list and headed out the door for Walmart with $80.00. So here is my bill for this week. We will how this goes.
My Grocery list
1 can Infant formula $12.88
1 head of lettuce $.49
5 lbs bananas $2.41
1 bag carrots $1.66
1 bag corn tortillas $3.02
1 can pumpkin $2.28
Hot dog buns $1.14
4 gal. milk $9.52
Taco Seasoning $2.58
Canola Oil $2.98
Sour Cream $1.38
Iron Pills $4.93
Cereal $2.00
Cereal $1.98
2 boxes Graham Crackers $2.76
Baby soap $1.82
Pull ups $11.48
Hot sauce $2.04
Fat Free Cream Cheese $1.27
Turkey Franks $1.24
2lbs. Butter $5.36
1 bag Mini Kiss chips $1.98
1 bag of skittles $.79
Grand Total w/tax $79.47
Landon is saying, "Yeah Mommy!"
Now I need to discover great discount food stores in my area, even Walmart is not going to have good enough prices to do this for long. I have to make those dollars stretch as far as possible.
impressive, I really have to put in a plug for Costco...if you don't have a membership you can come with me sometime. I love their stuff and prices...
See if there is an Aldi in your area or Warehouse Market. Walmart accepts all competitors pricing (ad matching), so seek out ads for other stores and tell the cashier at Walmart for better deals, and no driving around from store to store. I always stop at Aldi first, though, and get as much as I can there. Good luck!
I agree with Kristin. You can get a HUGE thing of taco seasoning for like 5 bucks that will last 3 years...no joke, i just used the rest of mine and I bought it 3 years ago! And it still tasted fine. Also Cash and Carry. You can get good bulk items and freeze some or whatever and no memebership needed. It's on Pacific in Oly by Ross.
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