I am so excited for gardening season this year. We have had a very mild and warm winter, therefore we have been able to get an early jump on our garden. It is usually raining too much to get started until about May. So we have taken advantage. Hubby rototilled two weeks ago and I went to the hardware store to get some of the cold crops that can be started this time of year here.

So we are trying something new this year with our potatoes. We had these huge plastic bins leftover from some fruit trees we planted. We hadn't gotten rid of them, but did not use them either. As we are trying to plant as much as we can this year in the existing plot, we need to be creative in our planting. So we are trying our potatoes inside these that sit next to the garden plot. That way as the plants start to grow we can add dirt to them with ease. I am so excited. Potatoes are our favorite thing to plant because it is a treasure hunt digging them up. We planted red, russet, and Yukon gold. Can't wait!