Thursday, August 19, 2010

Time Out Disaster

Proof that my Mother's of Small Children post is in fact every bit true here is another example. I was trying to get a bunch of things done and Landon was being a stinker to everyone, so I put him in his crib for a time out. I was on the phone, fielding kid questions and making dinner at the same time. I noticed that he was REALLY quiet and stupidly thought, "Whew! He's being quiet." Then I sent Addison in to get him when dinner was ready and I heard the dreaded words,"Oh, No.!" My heart sank because I knew that peace and quiet had come with a steep price.
I walked into the room to find that he had reached over to the changing table and grabbed the baby powder and the desitin. Baby powder I can handle, but then I saw his face...

My heart sank because dinner was now going to be cold, we were out of powder and desitin, and I had NO idea how to get that waxy stuff out of his clothes. Several washes finally did it but what an evening.

I know you are all laughing at my pain, and now it is a little funny, but then it was exhaustion. I am so grateful to my older two kids who were so great to help me get him and his room cleaned up in a jiffy. If I hadn't had them I would still be sitting in a corner babbling gibberish. Motherhood!


Amy @ Keep'n The SunnySide said...

I'm sorry Maria.. but yes I am laughing.... hhaaa.... Ok.. sorry, I'm being serious now.

My, my.. that destin sure does make a mess. Thank goodness that didn't hurt his little eyes. It's making mine water just looking at him. What did he have to say?

PS.. What I meant by bleaching the buttons was....
The buttons were purchased at an antique fair. The jar was kinda old and smelly. I didn't want old smelly buttons on My Girls pillow, so I bleached them in a little water/bleach solution. I wanted them sanitized. :O)

Randy Hall said...

Um... girls don't do stuff like that.... RIGHT???

That is too funny!

Ms. Bake-it said...

I will admit that I got a good chuckle from this post! Good thing he did not get it in his eyes! I can honestly say I have been there! Desitin really does make a mess and is a pin to clean up when it is anywhere except a child's bum! Kudos to your older children for pitching in and helping clean up the mess!

~ Tracy

Megan said...

Wow. I do feel for you, kinda reminds me of Micah dumping curry powder all over my carpet! Why do the worst moments create the funniest stories? We need to chant to ourselves, this is our last 2 year old, this is our last 2 year old!

Connie said...

Aren't you glad he didn't decide to paint the walls too? Well, look at it this way, at least you got dinner made in peace and quiet.

Enjoy your time while he is here and remember I am now the one not getting anything done.
...wait a minute, he is being awfully quiet...gotta go.

Mandy Bird said...

Oh I am laughing so hard! I can do that because it isn't my child and mess : ) Priceless...thanks for sharing!

Tina❀ said...

That's great! He's adorable and he entertains himself.

Tami Anderson said...

Hahahaha! He has the exact same face that Erika had on when I found her on MY bed with about 10 of my acrylic paint covering her body AND my beadspread. I'm glad you grabbed your camera.

Kristin said...

That first picture is fantastic! So cute under all the gunk. I'm sure that was exhausting though, glad you survived. It reminds me once I was babysitting and came it the kitchen to find the little one drenched in a pool of cooking oil and doused with a heavy sprinkling of paprika...why do people put carpet in kitchens????

Boyd Family said...

I'm so glad you took the time to get pictures. Sometimes I forget that and then wish I'd had a picture later to show the kids. Joseph and Jessie gave each other powdered sugar baths one night in Okinawa while Jer and I were in the kitchen. I didn't really think it was that funny then, but I wish I had pictures now. Landon is so cute though...Look at his sweet little face:)