Monday, May 31, 2010


Thank-you to those who have fought, sacrificed and died for the wonderful freedoms that we enjoy in this great land. I am so grateful to be blessed enough to have been born and American. We have so many blessings in this land, that we often take for granted, and our soldiers are one of those blessings. So on this Memorial Day I will have a prayer in my heart for all those who sacrificed, and those left behind who also have sacrificed. Again, Thank-you.


fiberdoodles said...

Beautiful post! Happy Memorial day my sweet friend!!

arkie said...

Thank you for the Memorial Day post you made!

Anonymous said...
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wendy said...

Ditto ---and I love your pregnant pygmy goat
a neighbor of ours up the road has pygmys and their little babies were soooooo --well, little.

wendy said...

Ditto ---and I love your pregnant pygmy goat
a neighbor of ours up the road has pygmys and their little babies were soooooo --well, little.

wendy said...

oops, didn't mean to say that twice